Figure 1. Age of the Respondents
Figure 1. This chart shows the ages of our respondents. According to the graph, out of 20 respondents, 9 of them are 15 years old (45%), 8 of them are 16 years old (40%), 2 of them are 14 years old (10%), and 1 of them is 17 years old (5%).
Figure 2. Gender of the Respondents
Figure 2. This chart shows the gender of our respondents. According to the graph, out of 20 respondents, 13 of them are male (65%) and 7 of them are female (35%).
Figure 3. Occupation of the Respondents
Figure 3. This chart shows the occupation of our respondents. According to the graph, 20 out of 20 respondents are students (100%).
Figure 4. How engaging/interesting were the activities in the stream?
Figure 4. According to the graph, from a scale of 1-5, whereas 1 being very boring and 5 being very interesting, out of 20 respondents, 11 of them said that it was very interesting (55%) and 9 of them said that it was interesting (45%).
Figure 5. Was the stream smooth and organized?
Figure 5. According to the graph, from a scale of 1-5, whereas 1 being very unorganized and 5 being very organized, out of 20 respondents, 10 of them said that it was organized (50%), 7 of them said that it was very organized (35%), and 3 of them said that it was neutral (15%).
Figure 6. How entertaining were the stream hosts/emcees?
Figure 6. According to the graph, from a scale of 1-5, whereas 1 being very unentertaining and 5 being very entertaining, out of 20 respondents, 12 of them said that it was very entertaining (60%), 6 of them said that it was entertaining (30%), and 2 of them said neutral (10%).
Figure 7. How would you rate the stream design/layout?
Figure 7. According to the graph, from a scale of 1-5, whereas 1 being very unappealing and 5 being very appealing, out of 20 respondents, 16 of them said that it was very appealing (80%), 3 of them said that it was appealing (15%), and 1 of them said that it was unappealing (5%).
Figure 8. The stream hosts/emcees are well prepared and acted professional on stream.
Figure 8. According to the graph, from a scale of 1-5, whereas 1 stands for strongly disagree with the idea that the hosts/emcees are well prepared and professional and 5 stands for strongly agree for the same idea, out of 20 respondents, 11 of them said that they strongly agree (55%), 7 of them said that they agree (35%), and 3 of them said that they’re neutral (15%).
Table 1. Do you see yourself coming back to our streams? Why yes or why not?
Figure 9. Would you recommend the stream to your friends or family?
Figure 9. According to the graph, when the respondents were asked if they’ll recommend the stream to their friends and family, 20 out of 20 respondents said yes (100%).
Table 2. What part of the stream was the most enjoyable to you?
Table 3. What part of the stream was the least enjoyable to you?
Table 4. What suggestions can you suggest to improve the audiences' viewing experience during our streams?
If you want to visit the livestream that happened on March 11, 2022, simply visit our Facebook Page!